Edublog Tidy Up

Today we had an edublog tidy up. We had lots of drafts in our personal blogs that weren’t quite finished or just needed to be published. Just like having a tidy Google Drive it’s important to have a tidy ‘edublog’ with all our learning published on our student blogs. It is such a great way […]

Game Design with Scratch

We explored how to create a games in Scratch. We had three levels to choose from, beginner, intermediate & advanced. We unpacked the beginner game and re-created it. It was challenging to locate the right coding blocks and to create new ones. We learn’t that the code has to be just right in order for […]

Coding with Scratch

  Term 3 kicked off with a session to refresh our memory of how to create code using Scratch. Most of the students have used Scratch before but not for a while. We discussed different ways you can use Scratch to tell a story, create a game, mini animation to art. We refreshed our skills […]

Matariki Star

Today we refreshed how to create images using shapes in a Google Slide. We create the Matariki cluster using triangles and colour filled them, remembering to also colour the boarder colour. We then worked our way through the slide and had a go at something new, GEO BOARD  we created a range of easy to […]

Animated Drawing and more

We explored Animated Drawing, Auto Draw and tested our touchpad drawing skills with Quick Draw. It was lots of fun! For our animated drawing we had a go at draw a simple stick figure. We used our camera to take photo and watched in awe as our images came to life. We will continue to […]

Visual Mihi

Today we created a visual mihi using only images to represent ourselves. We used a Google slide to create our Visual mihi, here is what we did… we used the explore tool to find four reusable images  edited the title, changed the colours and made the template design our own resized, edited the images by […]

Fun with Filters and Avatars

Today we were learning about our ‘Digital Footprint’ and the importance of protecting our identity online.  What is the difference between private and personal information? We discussed what we thought the difference was and why we need to be aware about what we post online. We explored ways to look at our profile picture and […]

Keyboard Skills

This week in our Cybersmart sessions with Kokā Janine we refreshed our keyboard skills. We completed a Google slide full of activities, we learn’t some new short cuts and practiced some we already knew. It was fun editing a photo to fit in the digital Ninja’s mask. We used Remove BG to remove the background […]

About Us

Kia ora, Welcome to our class blog. We are year 6 students in Room 2 from Riverdale School in Gisborne. Kokā Sharon is our teacher. We enjoy playing sports and love Kapa Haka. We are learning how to welcome visitors to our school and because we are the seniors we are leaders. In term one […]

Hello world!

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